Hunting Camps in Birch Narrows, SK
Province: Saskatchewan
Community: Turnor Lake and Birch Narrows
Date: June 2019
True North Aid was happy to support two hunting excursions this past summer and fall in Turnor Lake and Birch Narrows, Saskatchewan for youth and Elders, each lasting about 4 days. From Rebecca Sylvester, a coordinator with the camps:
“We had our youth out for many hours walking and calling in the moose. They walked islands and learned to sit quietly and wait. They had late nights and cold ones too… Everything is a learning experience for these youth, from lunch to supper to packing to dressing themselves.
During the day our cooks and I cleaned, baked bannock and cooked a beautiful meal for all of the busy hunters. The elders sewed and told many stories and sat with us daily, teaching us about medicine and traditions. We also had a fishing net set, leading the youth on how to fix and smoke the fish. Then we joined in a feast and had a beautiful smoked whitefish that was cooked over the fire. ”
Learning on the land and gaining traditional knowledge helps youth to connect with their culture and keeps it alive.