Diabetes Care for KO Chiefs

Province: Ontario

Communities: Fort Severn, Deer Lake, Poplar Hill, Keewaywin, North Spirit Lake

Date: 2023 – Present

KO Home and Community Care provide services such as Diabetes foot care clinic in communities and in Thunder Bay. KO HCC would love to continue providing monthly foot care clinics to the communities for continuity of care and regular monitoring of diabetic feet.

Home and community care program team will continue to provide foot care clinics in Thunder Bay and 5 of our First Nation communities – Fort Severn, Deer lake, Poplar Hill, Keewaywin, NorthSpirit Lake. Foot care is in high demand in each community and need ongoing treatments especially if they are diabetic. Our Home care nurses are all certified in Advanced Foot Care. Due to budgetary constraints, we are limited on providing our foot care clinics every month with each community. KO HCC would love to continue to provide these services on a monthly basis.